ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration Management System)

How do I know if I need to provide whereabouts?

If you are included in any of the World Curling Testing Pools you will need to provide whereabouts in ADAMS (Anti-Doping & Administration Management System). You will be informed directly by World Curling of your inclusion as well as what information exactly is required of you, how to use ADAMS, deadlines to submit this information and any consequences if the information required is not submitted.

The ADAMS Whereabouts Tutorial on how to submit whereabouts information is available on WADA’s YouTube channel

Athlete Central

WADA released a new App that will facilitate athlete compliance with Whereabouts rules under the global anti-doping program. Athlete Central replaced WADA’s current App that has been operational for a few years and required modernising.

Further information including download links for the app can be found here.

Please find below documents and links to the latest information regarding ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System):

For more information regarding ADAMS, please consult the ADAMS section of WADA’s website.

Should you have any queries with ADAMS, please contact:

World Curling
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 1738 451630

ADAMS Information

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